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The Pertinent Info...

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My name is Lauren Kazee, founder of LivingSLOW. Throughout my career as a licensed social worker, my efforts have focused on mental health and wellness for youth, inside and outside the school setting. While working to address the mental health needs of students, it became evident that often the needs of the adults in the buildings were being neglected, and/or ignored.  In some cases, teachers were completely frustrated and discouraged (maybe a few were even depressed). This motivated me to shift my work to include a focus on the well-being of the school’s staff, thus prompting LivingSLOW. I believe (and have seen) that if you: “feed the teachers, they don’t eat the kids™”. I assert that when the grown-ups are doing well overall (i.e. emotionally, physically, etc.), it allows for a better learning environment where everyone can thrive. The result: happy, healthy, safe schools where teachers can teach and students can learn.

Isn’t that what we all want?

I received my Bachelors of Social Work in 1993 and Masters of Social Work in 1994, both from University of Illinois in Chicago, Jane Addams College of Social Work.  As a licensed professional, I worked in inner city Chicago, rural communities in Ohio and urban areas in Michigan as a school social worker and an outpatient therapist.  My experience within the mental health field and education system led to participation in various federal and state-funded projects throughout the state of Michigan, as well as opportunities to contribute to and support mental health efforts in other states. I have several years of experience providing training, workshops and presentations at national, state and local conferences, and professional development events. Additionally, I have supported school personnel in protocol and policy development around Best Practices for healthy, positive and safe school environments.

Services offered through LivingSLOW™:

School, District, Conference Presentations: The focus of the presentations consists of the importance of developing and utilizing basic strategies for staff self-care and wellness and/or overall building environment.  All offerings are customized to fit the need.

Consultation & Coaching: (individual or schoolwide) Receive personal support on ways to establish,

improve, or enhance self-care practices.

Training/Workshops: Sessions provided to practice self-care strategies.

Train the Trainer: Work with identified school representative(s) to establish and maintain efforts around staff wellness.

Click here for a one page overview of Living SLOW for educators: Living SLOW overview-educators

Pricing varies upon request. Submit a inquiry via the Contact page or email me at

Follow LivingSLOW on Twitter (@Living_SLOW1) or like on FaceBook (LivingSLOW)

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